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Immunizations - General Information - Kids

Children’s Immunization Schedule
This is an interactive site where you can enter your child’s age (date, month, and year) and a complete list of recommended immunization will be displayed. This is easy to print and save in your child’s health papers

What is the Vaccines for Children Program?
The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federal program that provides eligible children all recommended vaccines at no cost. You may, however, be charged a small processing fee.  The federal government pays for the vaccines, and doctors and clinics agree to give the vaccines to children who qualify.

State Immunization Sites
A list of all 50 states’ immunization sites are listed here. An overview of the State’s programs and provides you with the qualification requirements, phone numbers, and usually adult immunization is listed here.

Safe Healthier Children Video (Real Time video)
“Safer Healthier Children.” An overview of how vaccines are produced and how they work.
Real Time video | MPG video

Protecting Your Child Against Serious Diseases: Making Sure Kids Get All Their ‘Shots’

The importance of childhood vaccinations is the emphasis of this brochure. The types of vaccines available, what they protect against, how they are given, the ages to get them and possible side effects are detailed here.
Web Site | PDF

When Do Your Children and Teens Need Vaccinations
An easy to use table tells you when and what immunization are needed. This table shows you the schedule of immunizations for infants, toddlers, grade school, middle school and high school ages
Web Site | PDF

What Happens If I Don’t Immunize My Child
While most state laws provide for religious or personal exemptions to required immunizations, concerned parents should still consider the consequences of not immunizing their children. This is an easy to read file that tells you what can happen to your children if they do not get their immunizations.
Web Site | PDF

What Do I Do If My Child Misses an Immunization Shot? Catch Up Schedule
There is no need to restart a vaccine series regardless of the time that has elapsed between doses. Use the appropriate chart on the catch-up schedule for your child's age.

Who Should Not Get Their Childhood Immunizations? (PDF)

Vaccination Additives
Check to see if you are allergic to the additives in your vaccinations, here is a list of those additives.

The Safety of Multiple Vaccinations
Questions and answers about multiple vaccinations are answered here.

Comforting and Restraining Your Child When Getting Shots (PDF)
Pictures of different ways to hold your child and to comfort your child can be found in this document.
PDF ( English) (Spanish)

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care