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Test Your Air Pollution IQ

The following statements test what you know about air pollution. Fill out the test by choosing true or false, then press the submit button.




1. Our lungs are constantly interacting with our environment.

2. Most outdoor air pollution stems from industrial or automotive sources of combustion.

3. Since we now use unleaded gasoline, lead emissions have been cut 50%.

4. Health costs of air pollution are estimated to be $25 billion annually.

5. About one fourth of all people in the U.S. live in areas which have air quality problems.

6. Lead found in old paint is the only lead hazard children face.

7. Air pollution alerts apply only to the elderly and those with chronic respiratory or heart disease.

8. Ozone is only a problem for our skin, not our lungs.

9. As a nonsmoker, breathing air with elevated ozone levels won't bother me.

10. Ozone air pollution exposure at unhealthy levels, greater than 120 PPB, can be hazardous to asthmatics.


2025 American Association for Respiratory Care