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Resource materials from other organizations.

Diagnostic and Screening Test
This alphabetic list contains a short description of tests that are ordered for screening (tests that help to identify diseases before you have symptoms) and tests that help to find the cause of your symptoms, diagnosing the disease.
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Independence from Smoke
A Breath of Fresh Air

About 1 out of every 5 women in America smokes, even though we know smoking is not good for our health. And, women are starting to smoke at younger and younger ages. Did you know that lung cancer kills more women every year than breast cancer? Along with information on the health effects of smoking, this guide provides you with resources to help you quit if you are a smoker.

My Medicine: Take Time to Care
Use this easy-to-read pamphlet and medicine-tracking chart to learn more about taking medicines correctly.

Personal Health Form
Maintaining your own personal health record is one of the best ways to have constant access to your health information over the course of your lifetime. Whether you change physicians or your physician relocates or retires, by keeping your own personal health record you and your family will have vital information at your fingertips

Keeping your own complete, updated, and easily accessible health record means you can play a more active role in your healthcare. A Personal Health Record is a collection of important information about your health or the health of someone you are caring for, such as a parent or child that you actively maintain and update. The information comes from your healthcare provider, and from you.

To start your personal health record, you will need to request a copy of your health records from all your healthcare providers, including your general practitioner, plus your eye doctor, dentist, and any other specialist you have seen.

Recommended Screening and Testing for Women with High Risk Factors
This chart lists screenings or tests you might need more often or earlier due to having high risk factors, or things in your life that increase your chances of developing a condition or disease.
Web Site | PDF

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care