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Current Treatments

The standard treatment for tuberculosis that is not resistant to medication is a 6-month regimen consisting of four drugs given for two months, followed by two drugs given for 4 months. The two most important drugs given through the 6-month course of therapy are isoniazid and rifampin.

The patient may need to take 8-9 pills each day in the first phase of treatment. Many times the patient begins to feel better and becomes symptom free within a few weeks. This may lead the patient to believe that he or she is completely well. Not completing the prescribe course of treatment may lead to a relapse. Following the medication regime is crucial because a relapse rate for those that do not complete treatment is high.

It is important to know that even strains of drug-resistant tuberculosis can be treated but the length and type of treatment will vary.

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care