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Write to Congress—Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act

When Medicare was created almost 50 years ago, very few respiratory therapy services were provided outside of the hospital. However, times and respiratory medicine have changed significantly, but Medicare, at least in terms of respiratory therapy, has not.

Currently, there is little done in the physician practice setting to give pulmonary patients the tools they need to take care of their respiratory conditions and to self-manage their disease.  As a result, costs skyrocket because the patients do not know what to do when an exacerbation occurs.  Medicare beneficiaries are not taught to recognize the appropriate response to self-managing their chronic disease according to their symptoms.  Consequently, most end up in the emergency department or being admitted or readmitted to the hospital which continues to add to the cost of care.

We want to change that.  We want Congress to know that respiratory therapists make a big difference in the lives of patients who suffer from chronic lung disease.  By working with  respiratory therapists under physician supervision in the office setting, Medicare pulmonary patients who are properly taught to self-manage their chronic lung disease can, with regular and consistent self-care, slow the progression of their disease, practice wellness and prevention strategies, and reduce hospital costs and readmissions by eliminating the need for hospitalization when an exacerbation occurs.

This is good for the doctor, good for the respiratory therapist and most important good for you the pulmonary patient. That is why we want you to get behind our efforts to gain support for the Medicare Respiratory Therapist Access Act.

Message to Send to Congress
Using the AARC’s Capitol Connection, we have developed a letter specifically for pulmonary patients to email to their members of Congress. By inserting your zip code Capitol Connection will automatically find your Member of Congress and your two Senators.

We can make a difference if you as patients, along with respiratory therapists, pulmonary physicians, and caregivers give voice to their Members of Congress that this legislative bill needs to pass and Medicare needs to change. Let Your Voice Be Heard!

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care