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Stop Smoking


Independence from Smoking
This specialty section will help you and the people you love to not smoke! Along with information on the health effects of smoking, we provide you with resources to help you quit if you are a smoker. We encourage you to learn as much as you can about smoking and to share this information with the ones you love. Remember, it's best to never start smoking and if you do smoke, don't give up on quitting. We know how hard quitting can be, but you'll be glad you did! Being smoke-free will help you to live longer with better health.

We all need to be concerned about smoking. About 1 out of every 5 women in America smokes, even though we know smoking is not good for our health. And, women are starting to smoke at younger and younger ages. Did you know that lung cancer kills more women every year than breast cancer?

Straight Talk about Tobacco
Besides being a huge health risk, smoking can destroy your image. You may think it makes you look cool or sophisticated, but it doesn’t.

Not only can smoking turn your teeth and fingers yellow, it can cause acne and other skin complications. Smoking increases mucus production, which increases the chances of you spitting a lot around your friends. That’s not cool at all! (Yuk!)

Smoking affects your sense of taste and smell, making both of them less sensitive. If you smoke for a long period of time, you get so use to the smell of stale tobacco smoke on your hair, clothes and breath that you don't notice it anymore . . .but your friends do!

Smoking is also very expensive! The amount of money you use to buy tobacco products, you can buy an outfit or treat your friends to a movie!

Guess What’s in a Cigarette?

You Can Quit Smoking: buy chantix
Nicotine: A Powerful Addiction
If you have tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be. It is hard because nicotine is a very addictive drug. For some people, it can be as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Quitting is hard. Usually people make 2 or 3 tries, or more, before finally being able to quit. Each time you try to quit, you can learn about what helps and what hurts.

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care