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Smokeless Tobacco is Not a Safe Alternative to Cigarettes

Can you have your tobacco and avoid disease too by using smokeless tobacco products like “spit” tobacco or chewing tobacco instead of cigarettes? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Smokeless tobacco is NOT a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes. Take a look at the facts:

  • Smokeless tobacco causes cancer of the mouth and pharynx. Studies suggests nearly three-fourths of all people who regularly use “spit” tobacco or chewing tobacco already have non-cancerous or pre-cancerous sores in their mouths.
  • Smokeless tobacco ruins the teeth and gums. Users are significantly more likely to have receding gums and bone loss around the teeth.
  • Smokeless tobacco may play a role in heart disease and high blood pressure, because nicotine, which is known to speed up the heart rate and raise blood pressure, enters the bloodstream through the lining of the mouth and/or the digestive tract.
  • Smokeless tobacco is just as addictive as cigarette smoking, because smokeless tobacco also contains nicotine, the primary component of tobacco that causes addiction.

What if you already use smokeless tobacco products and want to quit? First, realize you are not alone! A recent survey found more than half of users planned to quit in the next year. The good news is, you can use the same cessation techniques used by smokers, including nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) [LINK TO MEDICATIONS]. There are a couple of additional aspects that apply more strongly to folks using smokeless products, however:

  • You may have a stronger need for some kind of oral substitute for chewing tobacco or snuff.
  • Since quitting smokeless tobacco leads to a healing of the sores you may already have in your mouth, you may find you have a greater incentive to stay off these products for good.

So, if you don’t use smokeless tobacco products now, don’t start! And if you do, read up on smoking cessation right here on and make plans to quit.

2025 American Association for Respiratory Care